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– bike path next to the ocean –
This morning I took the bus to work, because I would have been blown away by the wind.
I tried it twice, but it is too hard to stand it and I was cursing all the way to the office. Lost
my beanie twice and I got so wet from the waves, which were braking next to the bike path.

I think the bus drivers here can listen to their own music while driving. That is kinda 
interesting. There was this one older bus driver, listening to Icelandic folk music, the other
one listing only to the news and this younger guy, with long blond hair and a huge beard 
listening to some celtic hard metal music. I have fun driving the bus. Stupid wind, you will 
never ever get me! Wahrrrhrrrrrha! So. Back at the office. Doing our thing. 

– 8:00 listing to celtic metal –
– bus stop next to the office –

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