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– Icelandic Fluffieness –

Today was a really relaxing day. We went "Hot Spring Hunting"! First we drove south/east
on Route 1 to Hveragerði and took the hike from there. I felt like a character of Lord Of The
 Rings or Game of Thrones walking through the hills. And dipping into the hot river was just 
unreal. You are packed up in your outdoor gear, a little bit freezing and after walking less 
than an hour, you sit there in river. Unreal. We found a good place to relax and ate our 
lunch, while chatting with the other people of the group. 

But when I looked around me, seeing this amazing landscape, I was so so ready to meet 
Frodo and share my sandwich with him. Somehow he didnt show up, so we hiked back 
down to the car (where a little bird was stuck (dead)) and got back to Reykjavik. But we will
definitely come back, when there is snow. Must be even more unreal!

– on our way up –
– amazing waterfalls everywhere –
– my "Trinkerle" and me –
– the first warm water –
– posing in the hot water river –
– hell yeah it is warm –
– most amazing place I had lunch so far –
– yep, that happened here –
– more amazing landscape –
– on our way down –

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